Checking food plots, cameras, and blinds

It’s a busy time here in Kansas and things are about to get a lot busier! With the early muzzleloader season closing today we are dying to get into the woods without wearing every bowhunters hated color, BLAZE ORANGE. The bucks here are finally starting to scrape and we are getting pictures of the same bucks ranging miles already so they are for sure on their feet. Now if we can get them to do that during daylight we’ll be all set! We ran around doing some deer chores the other night and checked our silo plot and were amazed at the growth! It looks awesome! I can’t wait to sit over it on a rainy day when the silo will come in most useful. We also put out another haybail blind that will be a perfect December spot. First things first though, December can wait. November is King and I love the anticipation of the rut and sitting on stand mid morning with the sun warming a cold face.

~ by firemcw on October 3, 2010.

3 Responses to “Checking food plots, cameras, and blinds”

  1. Wow that plot looks great and the silo haven is going to come in handy I’m sure.

  2. I can’t wait to see you guys whack one from the silo blind!

  3. Kentucky bucks are starting to move more too. This time of year is makes me happy to be a bowhunter.

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